Thursday, December 28, 2017
A Brief Vocabulary Study Guide for the ACT or SAT
ABDUCT - to kidnap - to take a person to a state of unlawful restraint
ABHOR - to hate strongly; to loathe
ABJURE - to step down
AGGREGATE - to add
AUTISM - a developmental disorder made up of a spectrum of deficits in social communication, dissociative behaviors, or excessively repetitive behaviors
AUTOMOTON - a robot
BALLISTIC - related to combat; enemy; having an attitude of pugnaciousness
BELITTLE - to disparage
BICENTENNIAL - a period of two hundred years
CACHE - a hiding place
CARCINOGENIC - cancer-causing; a chemical or substance known to cause cancer.
CENTENNIAL - a period of 100 years
CLASSIFIED - secret; clandestine.
CLIQUE - a big group of select people, especially in a street gang.
CLOAK - to hide
CONTRAPUNTAL - in music, related or or having to do with the use of counterpoint.
CONVECTION - thunderstorms or any condition related to the occurrence of thunderstorms.
CONVECTIVE - related to thunderstorms or any condition related to the occurrence of thunderstorms; also refers to winter precipitation which related to heavy snowfall or heavy barrage of ice pellets - with or without the occurrence of thunder.
COTERIE - a small group.
COUNTERPOINT - in music, at least 2 or more voices moving independent of each other.
CRAP - riff-raff; garbage.
DEFICIENCY - a state of lacking in something (for example, a vitamin or mineral)
DETONATION - explosion (of a bomb, firework, TNT, dynamite, etc.)
DEFILLADE - cover against gunfire, grenades, bullets, or bombs
DISCO - meaning "disc" or "record" in Spanish, it was a style of dance music mainly in the 1970s.
DISCOTHEQUE - a dance club where people danced to disco music or have disco dance parties during mainly the 1970s.
ERRONEOUS - incorrect; misleading
EGREGIOUS - obviously mistaken; blatantly erroneous
ELEVATED - up high in the area of concern; in meteorology, it refers to the atmosphere about 700 millibars or above in height above the earth.
FELON - a serious infection of the palm side of the fingertip usually caused by staph bacteria
FLAG - to report somebody for a violation or transgression of a rule or regulation
FLUENT - have sufficient skill or ability (in)
GARGATUAN - giant; huge
GENIUS - very smart; highly intelligent
HEMORRHAGE - bleeding
HYPOGLYCEMIA - low blood sugar
HYPONATREMIA - low blood sodium
HYPOTENSION - low blood pressure
HYPERGLYCEMIA - high blood sugar
HYPERNATREMIA - high blood sodium
HYPERTENSION - high blood pressure
IMPLOSION - an explosion of a building designed to bring the building down in collapse instead of spreading it out.
INTERCONTINENTAL - between continents
JURIS DOCTOR - also known as J.D., it means "doctor of law" in Latin.
JURY - a group of peers picked to do duty in the courtroom to decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty
KAPUT - out of action; out of service; no longer functiong
KARATE - a type of marital art mainly from Japan, which means "empty hand" in Japanese
MARTIAL - referring to something happening or something used in combat, fighting, or duelling.
MYOCARDIAL - related to the heart muscle
MYOCARDIUM - heart muscle; the heart
NAVAL - related to the armed forces called The Navy, or related to the Navy
NAVIGATE - to travel; to roam; to trek; to go on a trip to somewhere.
NECROSIS - death or deceasing of a tissue or tissues in the body
NECROTIC - the process of death or deceasing of a tissue or tissues in the body
NINJA - a student or teacher who practices or uses the art of ninjitsu.
NINJITSU - a Japanese secret martial art focusing on deception, stealthiness, and the ability to take out enemies without being noticed by other ninjas or authorities
OCTOGENARIAN - a person who is from 80 to 89 years old.
OCTAGON - a geometric shape with 8 sides.
ORWELLIAN - a law, decree, rule, or regulation that is extremely strict and often strictly enforced
PARIAH - someone shunned completely from society - an outcast
PENURY - strong or severe poverty
POLYGLOT - a person who has at least working or advanced knowledge of several foreign languages as well as one's native language
POLYPHONY - something with many voices
POLYRHYTHMIC - in music, having several rhythms in a single measure or having multiple subdivisions in meter in a single measure
PUGNACIOUS - easily provoked to belligerence
PYROTECHNIC - related to fireworks or its chemicals; something or event that involves fireworks
QUADRIVALENT - a vaccine that has 4 killed strains of a virus or organism in its shot
ROTOGATE - a rotary gate used for entry or exit to a building, or to a subway or train.
SAYONARA - originally Japanese to mean "good bye", it is often used in English to mean a "farewell".
SESQUICENTENNIAL - a period of 150 years.
SYNDROME - a serious of physical symptoms that usually gets worse and cause gradual deterioration of the
body, sometimes leading to death
TAEKWONDO - a type of martial art from South Korea, which means "foot, fist, way of life" in Korean
TRESPASS - entry into a property without authorization or permission to do so
TRIVALENT- a vaccine that has 3 killed strains of a virus or microorganism in its shot
VAPORIZE - to turn into a gas
VITRIOL - abuse; severe, acidic let-down or put-down
XENON - an inert gas
YODEL - a series of high-pitched musical notes in singing with lots of leaps, often used to depict the peaks and valleys of mountains (such as the Swiss Alps)
The curtain doesn't usually rise up in some productions
during the introduction. Someinvolve a curtain that rises up to show a primeval forest, the setting for the Rite of Spring.
The music starts with a bassoon going just beyond its normal range. Its obvious purpose
is to depict some primeval cry--perhaps a cry of a wolf, or an old hunting call from someone's prehistoric horn. Then the oboe comes in to depict another animal--perhaps
a low-pitched nightingale or even an owl. The other low woodwinds then weave in fourths
to complete the pattern. In the next part, other animal calls are given. The piccolos and flutes represent bird calls, the horns represent something like worms calling as they inch forward.
Then, on a B-G-Ab-D-E chord cluster droning in the low
basses and cello, the animal calls start out with one in the first woodwind,
and then the other in the next woodwind, and then increase until a big
cacophony of sound appears in the other upper woodwinds, climaxing with a low-pitched, whippoorwill sound in the bassoons. Suddenly, there is a stop, and then the high
bassoon comes in once more to start the thematic reprise that started the
opening measures, followed by a "Db-Bb-Eb-Bb" ostinato in the middle
strings--which will be the main part of the "Dance of the Adolecents..
Then, a brief lull on an F# pedal point, and then the reprise of the
4-note ostinato, quiet, repeats
4 more times...with a sudden segue to the next part...the
Auguries of Spring.
The Auguries of Spring
The curtain now rises to show usually quasi-naked lady
dancers, adolescents particularly,doing strange movements in their bodies that are not really ballet-related. Crouches,
deep knee-bends, monkey and ape poses, and other unusual drops and lunges. In some
other productions, adolescent men are often added to the mix of ladies.
The music eventually gets quiet after a pausing low F from
the tuba, preceded by a long Eb note in the brass., as the Db-Bb-Eb-Bb ostinato
continues. The high winds now make a new quasi-folk melody. Then, after a rhythmic
variation on the bichordal theme in the strings, the crescendo is slow but grand, until
the whole orchestra comes in punctuating the folk melody in the upper instruments with
sharp accents. Then a segue suddenly to the Ritual
of Abduction.
Ritual of Abduction
Right now, the ladies either get abducted by other ladies,
or the men abduct the ladiesin an abduction ritual. Things like play-fighting, rape scenes, cat fights, are the main
actions here.
Now, the music becomes more irregular and unpredictable. Big
meter changes andirregular meters vying for regular meters make this ballet scene seem like a wild orgy.
Spring Rounds
After long trills on Eb-F on a few of the woodwinds, the
music is moderate and almost
processional, on a Eb minor-ninth chord mainly, punctuated
by a bass drum. As thatpart of the orchestra plays an ostinato--which first holds back in volume and then bursts
out in a full fortissimo with other orchestra members---the "auguries" theme is played
in the upper instruments in the orchestra. Then, a quick but brief shift in scene; the music is suddenly fast and represents something like the "Ritual of Abduction" music heard earlier. Then the music goes back to the trills that started the Spring Rounds in the first place.
Games Of The Rival Clans
Think of the Sharks and the Jets in Bernstein's West Side Story....but this Rite milieu describes a sort of
primitive gang war. Primitive rival clans push each other, strike each other,
take sides. Sometimes they dart away or into each other.
The music is loud and there are clashes of double thirds
that seem to be played wrong (e.g., some wind players play Ab-F, and others
play A-F#). It seems like Stravinsky wanted it to sound wrong because most of
the ballet is primitive.
The Arrival of the
The fighting stops as the bass drum, the tuba, and horns
come in. The dancers then make way for the sage, who enters the stage usually
with a staff, walking slowly until he reaches the center of the stage. The
dancers honor the sage usually by raising and lowering the arms in the area.
The violins start the passage with a double-third Russian
folk melody, and the bass drum plays an irregular rhythm that takes up the rest
of the passage. As the violins drop out,the "G#-F#-G#-A-C#-A" ostinato motive in the tuba (playing at a very high range than normal for a tuba) permeate almost the whole section., and the horns, playing in their high range, have the ostinato on C-D. The whole percussion comes in, including the kettledrums that continue playing the note "D".
The whole orchestra comes in, and suddenly, there is a long
Kiss of the Earth
This is where the sage goes down on his knees, and then lies
forward, and kisses the earthwhen the strings make only one chord. The other dancers remain still.
The shortest part of the ballet. Long chords first in the woodwinds, and then one chord in the strings. . All of them are played soft yet slightly in a state of inquietude.
Dance of the Earth
Usually, the dancers seem to dance in all directions---this
is almost like chaos. Some dancers turn, some jump, some stamp, some kick, some
go down on their knees--all at irregular times. But most of them stamp because
they are honoring the earth. The sage usually remains still in the explosive frenzy of the other
A rhythmic beat in the bass drum with a very quick crescendo
leads to a wild tutti.
Harsh chords constantly punch at you in the high winds and
the brass.....and the same time, the basses, cellos, and trombones spurt out a
rising scalar motive F#-G#-A#-C-D-E. The
3/4 meter in the part seems almost like it is not exactly 3/4 meter. The part
starts loud, and then suddenly soft,
and like in Ravel's Bolero,
a gradual crescendo back to loud again as the violins seem totake a fragment of the Db-Bb-Eb-Db theme in the Auguries of Spring. The harsh chords
then resurface and then an abrupt stop on the 3rd beat ends not only the piece---but Part I as well.
Usually no dancing on stage. The curtain simply goes up and
reveals a different scene.
The music is slower. Slow, flowing chords, punctuated by
violin harmonics, feel like something taking out of Varèse or Messiaen.
That ostinato motive then passes to the brass to end the
Mystic Circles of the
Young Girls
Now, like the Spring Rounds, there are circle dancers, but
all of them are by the femaleadolescents. They play with the circles, sometimes making them large, sometimes making them small. Some ladies leer at each other, gaze at each other, or even look at the sky.
On the "Bernstein" motive, this represents the
process of choosing the lady who will be
condemned to her sacrificial dance. This occurs two times.
The first time, the ladies seem to stop movement in the circle. Then the circle
starts again. the second time the themecomes, the lady is then touched and picked. The other ladies move away from the lady
that is touched. The lone lady represents the one who will be sacrificed in her solo dance.
The first part is in C major, now slightly faster, where, in
2/4 meter, the wind instruments, helped by pizzicato strings, play a new folk
The second part involves a tremolo in the upper strings, and
several wind instruments play the same fragements of the new folk melody in
either 2/4 or 3/4 time.
All of them are gently rhythmic and represent a moderate order of the moving circles
of the dancers.
The coda is what I call Bernstein's "Somewhere" theme (from West Side Story)...the famous two note motive. But in this case, this indicates the other ladies picking out the lady to be condemned. The second time the "Somewhere" theme (preceded by the reprise of the folk melody in the third part)this represents that the lady has been chosen. The theme picks up speed, a big crescendo takes place, and
then 11 hammer chords in the whole orchestra segues right into the The Naming And Honoring Of The Chosen One.
The Naming And The
Honoring Of The Chosen One
Now, the lady that has been picked remains there without
movement; the other ladies then explode into a jovial orgy to tell the audience
that the lady who can't move was chosen to do the sacrificial dance.
The whole orchestra, most of the time in fortissimo but in some passages in piano, seems to play like one bass drum.
Seems Bartokian in most of the passages----changes of rhythms are constant.
Invocation of the
The elders usually come near the end of the
passage....usually coming from the wings of the state. The condemned lady still
does not dance at that point.
There are two clashes. The low winds and brass, punctuated
by timpani, play the notes F#--E-D# several times, and then the high winds and
brass spurt staccato chords. The strong loudness of the passage seem to depict
that the sacrificial lady had been chosen.
Typically, the old dancers (ancestors) go around and make
several circles around themotionless lady who is condemned to do the sacrificial dance. Sometimes they
make squares or rectangles around the lady. The other ladies sometimes join in the
ancestors' dancing rituals.
Very slow pattern, with the timpani and low strings doing
mostly a 4/4 ostinato drum pattern; the top tine, consisting of a English horn
grunt and clarinet response in the soft patterns, fading away into a very quiet pianississimo. Then, the
clarinet runs 16th notes while the bassoon counters with staccato eighths, and then, two measures of 6/4 in a very loud way for the whole orchestra, and then afterwards, accents by the string orchestra and the wind orchestra
with a mixture of triplets and eighths come in, then a brief ffff (fortississississimo - or very, very, very loud) pattern, and then, back to the beginning of
the part, pp (or pianissimo, very soft). The timpani and
low strings do the ostinato reprise as the English horn and clarinet do the conversational reprise. Slowly, the instruments drop
out until the bass clarinet and low strings/timpani do a broken version of the theme to
end. A quick segue to the sacrificial dance comes in.
Sacrificial Dance
Now, the condemned lady, who had to stand still at the
"The Naming and Honoring of the Chosen One", gets her chance to do
this deadly dance. The dance is filled with non-ballet as well as ballet moves, as the ancestors watch her
die. At the final bars of the music, the lady finally expires. One ending to the dance
involves the ancestors and the other ladies picking the dead lady up to the sky---the other
involves putting the dead lady on a stone, and then, everyone falls prostrate,
indicating that the rite has come to an end.
The main meat of the quasi drum-pattern at the start by
almost the whole orchestra is the complex composite rhythmic pattern - the 2 + 2+1+ 3+1+1+1; 2+1+2+1+3+1+1+1 pattern,
and variants on that rhythmic pattern. All of this leads up to a polyrhythmic climax on the flamenco chord (A-C#-E-Bb) leads to the final orchestra tutti, then a break by trills leading to a quasi-glissando by the flutes upward...then a short pause, and a final blow by the whole orchestra, ending the ballet.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Lollapalooza May Not Be Welcoming These Days To You As You Think
Lollapalooza is starting to become an something like capitalist DIY society. Here are the clear reasons why, I think, it is so......
Reason no. 1: Ticket prices seem to have soared for Lolla every year. Learning from basic economics, I think this is likely due to supply and demand - more bands and more music artists performing in the event mean much higher demand, and hence that is why prices were inflated. Ticket prices were quite low and not-so-inflated in the first years Lollapalooza came to Chicago.
The inflated prices can also be blamed on royalties and mechanical license fees that Lolla has to pay to the artists and bands involved. And with more and more artists and bands performing now, I think the increase in prices are understandable. Another reason for the inflated prices are the elaborate stage sets in Lolla--some of the sets use a lot of electricity, lots of strobe lights, and other elaborate lighting effects. Such sets can be pretty costly also. Since 9-11, Lolla added some more security guards and this may have also reflected in the increased ticket prices.
I can remember when you can get a 3-day ticket pass for a little over $100 in the first years of Lolla. (I had been to Lolla in 2007.) Now, you cannot do it anymore. It seems like the passes now are inflated in price to a few hundred dollars. When the tickets do sell out, you have to go to a ticket broker but sadly expect to shell out as much as $700 to $800 from a broker for a good seat or a 3-day pass. Some people cannot afford paying ticket brokers and the only choice they have is to sit-out from Lolla. This hurts.
Reason no. 2: More and more people who wanted to go to see the Lollapalooza festival were out of luck in recent years when tickets did go on sale at the box office or online. In the worst cases, most of the tickets--or all of them--were sold out in a very mere 10-15 minutes, even on official ticket websites like Ticketmaster!! They were literally ripped off and gypped. My guesses for what I call "rigged sell-outs" is that Lolla's tickets go to the VIPs (and I am guessing there could be a lot of VIPs who will get tickets first) as prioirity before tickets are released to the general public, but that is all I know. So what happened? Those who found out that the tickets were sold out too fast responded with severe distrust with the festival, doing rants online (usually through Youtube) decrying their disappointment of not getting tickets. Some may have decided not to go to Lolla ever again.
Reason no. 3: Now suppose you already got your ticket to Lolla. Lucky for you! But Lolla has its sandbox--and you have to live by their rules!! Break these rules and you will either be denied admission, ejected, or even worse, arrested. One of the rules is that wristband you wear--if it is a 3-day, you cannot take it off for the whole 3-day period or you will not be re-admitted. Then there are the security checks that are a little like airports before you board a plane. And you have to deal with the list of allowed and forbidden items into Lolla, which can be challenging. It is a bit Orwellian to me, and probably to you also, but it is Lolla's rules, and if you do not like them, you need to take your fun someplace else!!!
There will likely be a revolt against Lolla in some form or another...maybe a protest, when this Lolla comes to Chicago this weekend. But for all of you who already have tickets to Lolla, it will be probably the biggest time of your lives as a music fan.....
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Partial List of Airport Codes Used By Air France
AGS Augusta , Bush Field
ALB Albany , New York
ABQ Alberquerque , New
ATW Appleton , Wisconsin
AVL Asheville , North
AUS Austin , Texas
BHM Birmingham , Alabama
BNA Nashville , Tennesee
BOI Boise , Idaho
BOS Boston , Massachusetts
BTR Baton Rouge , Louisiana
BUF Buffalo , New York
BWI Baltimore , Maryland
CAE Columbia , South
CAK Canton --Akron ,
CHO Charlottesville , Virginia
CHS Charleston , South
CLE Cleveland , Ohio
CLT Charlotte , North
CMH Columbia , South
CRP Corpus Christi , Texas
CVG Cincinnati , Ohio
DAL Dallas , Texas
DAY Dayton , Ohio
DCA Washington , D.C. (Reagan International
Airport )
DEN Denver , Colorado
DFW Dallas Fort-Worth, Texas
DTW Detroit , Michigan
ELP El Paso , Texas
EWR Newark , New Jersey (Newark Liberty
International Airport )
EYW Key West , Florida (Key West International Airport )
FLL Fort Lauderdale , Florida
FMY Fort Myers , Florida
GRK Killeen , Texas
GRR Grand Rapids , Michigan
GSO Greensboro , North
GSP Greenville , South
HNL Honolulu , Hawaii
HOU Houston , Texas (Hobby Airport )
HRL Harlingen , Texas
HSV Huntsville , Alabama
IAD Washington , D.C. (Dulles International
Airport )
IAH Houston , Texas
(George Bush Intercontinental Airport)
ILM Wilmington , North
JAN Jackson , Mississippi
JAX Jacksonville , Florida
JFK New York City , New York (John F.
Kennedy International
Airport )
MCI Kansas City , Missouri (Kansas City International Airport )
MCO Orlando , Florida
MDT Harrisburg , Pennsylvania
MKC Kansas City , Missouri
MSY New Orleans,
Louisiana (Armstrong International Airport)
OMA Omaha , Nebrashka
PBI West Palm Beach , Florida
PDX Portland , Oregon
PHL Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
PHX Phoenix , Arizona
PIT Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
PNS Pensacola , Florida
PVD Providence , Rhode
RDU Raleigh , North
RIC Richmond , Virginia
RNO Reno , Nevada
ROC Rochester , New
RSW Fort Myers , SW Florida
SAC Sacramento , California (Sacramento International Airport )
SAN San Diego , California
SAT San Antonio , Texas
SAV Savannah , Georgia
SEA Seattle , Washington
SFO San Francisco , California
SHV Shreveport , Louisiana
SLC Salt Lake City , Utah
SMF Sacramento , California
SRQ Sarasota , Florida
SYR Syracuse , New
TLH Tallahassee , Florida
TPA Tampa , Florida
TUS Tuscon , Arizona
TYS Knoxville , Tennessee
VPS Fort Walton Beach , Florida
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
As I first entered the building to see its first show on
quasi-penthouse-like 3rd floor, I never even knew that this loft was
a little bit like the secretive Homan Square site used by Chicago Police that
was a bit like a loft. But around 2009, when I got there---this now defunct
place known formerly as 2106 S. Kedzie—I did not see boys in blue, squad cars,
evidence of people being slapjacked or waterboarded, or cordoned-off
barbed-wire fences. I did see some
modern hipsters doing their dance thing, or punk rock thing, and even shooting
off some marijuana smoke in the process. In addition, I saw a tire swing, a
rather unkempt brown wooden floor, and a loose-knit stage focusing on a dark
atmosphere as strings of Christmas lights try to shine through this
semi-darkness. There was an outside terrace to the west of the area where
people converse and talk, while the main action was inside. It was basically a
nearly no-holds-barred place that might have rivaled other radical DIY music
places that had popped up and died in Pilsen, though this spot was at Douglas
Park. The vibe was nearly unbounded and
nearly unrestricted, almost like Josh Harris’ bunker depicted in “We Live in
Public”, in December 1999 in a nondescript loft in New York’s Manhattan, but without the non-private bunks or the
guns. Moreover, the third-floor concessions there were on the southeast corner
near the bathroom area, and it had a sort of multicolored theme paying homage
to the colors of ice cream trucks. It served beer and other non-alcoholic
essentials.The bathroom was unisex, and it had a window facing south toward the
railroad bridge that hugged the building, where the Metra Union Pacific-West
commuter trains, Amtrak trains, and freight trains, pass by. Sadly, this place
was not ADA-accessible and you have to walk 2 flights of stairs to get there,
but there is transportation accessability near the building—about 150 feet
north of it, the CTA Pink Line ran alongside the building from west to east,
but it did not run 24 hours a day, and when the train stopped running after
hours, you are at the mercy of finding other transportation means. Sure there
was the CTA #52 Kedzie that cut through just by the place but it was difficult
to get that bus especially during the weekends, so with options running (before
there was Uber or Lyft), you had to take a taxi to get yourself home from there.
Despite the transportation problems, I very profoundly believe that it was the
ultimate DIY utopian place in Chicago for a while before it had to go under—and
that name was Mortville.
Mortville, which was ran by Meg McCarville and Sara Heymann,
was not only utopia for me—it was utopia for hundreds of its spectators,
fans—as well as the scores of bands from Chicago and away from it that made it
their home for several years. Coming right straight directly from Sara, she
remembered that the first show ever by Mortville happened in September 2008,
and was an art show, which Sara states, “sold convenience store products by
artists made by artists for $5.” Then, as for the start of the music, Sara said
the first booked bands for its first music show were Percolator, Nothingheads,
and pisspisspissmoanmoanmoan (which would feature Nicole Miller on
theremin/effects and Alex Morales on drums; the band partially disbanded so
this band only features Alex as solo), but Sara said that those bands did not
even show up. The second show did have bands that showed up—Bitchin’ Bajas,
Charlie Slick, and the Dozal Brothers. I did not know in my first dates with Mortville that it was
a building formerly owned by Weiser and Sons., who used to make pianos at that
place. The whole loft had a total of 18,000 square feet of space, and the front
façade of windows in the 1st floor area featured 4 glass block
windows on the east side, each of them about 6 feet by 7 feet along the north
door on its right. The rest of the front windows were on the 2nd and
3rd floors, the second having 5 windows of about 10 feet by 10 feet,
and the third, about 6 feet by 10 feet. The side façade on the north side had
tan brick had only windows on the 3rd floor, while the front façade
had red brick.
And because it was a loft that used to be free to use, other
DIY people took the reins of the 1st and 2nd floors and
made up their other spaces under the third-floor Mortville—to make that 2106
address seem to be more than just a Mortville DIY music collective—it seemed
like a complete DIY loft venue collective. The 2nd floor housed what
was then called Treasure Town. I can
only speculate that because the noise of
the music would be absorbed by the first floor under it and the third
floor (Mortville) above it, the focus of Treasure Town was loud punk bands and
loud noise bands and other experimental noise acts. My rememberances of
Treasure Town was that it had a big colorful wall mural on the south part of
the building, which featured an orange string, a red door, and a brown
dilapidated fence, among lots of items, and the ceiling was not really
high—about 10 feet, with exposed electric wiring and piping in its dark
And just under Treasure Town, there was still
another house place on the 1st floor that was used mainly for
not-so-weird DIY music ensembles—mainly experimental and avant-garde, but not
terribly wild. That 1st floor place was known as Casa Donde, which was quite pitchy,
because it was near the Little Village (aka “La Villita”) neighborhood. It
simply meant—and roughly so—“House Where”, in Spanish, so it was a sort of
hyperbole to the Treasure Town/Mortville combination above it. If you can make
a word anagram from “House Where”—it would be “Where House”, which is
subliminally messaged as “Warehouse”—which also smacks of the heyday when DIY
industrial music was king in Chicago. Bands that came in to Casa Donde – mainly
likely were first-time DIY bands who wanted to really sell their merch, and
they showed their merch front-and-center—really!! I did not know who ran Casa
Donde, but I found out that the calvacade of past bands that embraced the place
included S.L.F.M., Truman and His Trophy, Animal City, Maren Celest, Katrina
Stonehart, Relatives, Karl Marks, New Diet, Meah!, and Meatwave. When I saw
Meah! at Casa, they were an ultra-crazy progressive punk ensemble that made me
wonder that this place might trump the regular Mortville abpve. The band did make some noise, but later on, I
realized that Mortville, with its variety of shows from music to performance
art, still came up on top on that 2106 address.
And I was keenly
aware about what happened during the post 9-11 area, and what happened when two
nightclubs – Chicago E2 nightclub and The Station nightclub in New England –
both had fatal disasters. These three factors caused a major excuse for
Chicago’s big wigs to target nearly any DIY venue that did not have a Personal
Place of Amusement license and was not places like The Empty Bottle, The
Whistler, or Cole’s (all of these 3 places did have PPAs and not house venues,
so basically most times the Chicago Police left them alone). And Chicago’s
bigwigs – including members of the Department of Buildings, Chicago Police, and
other municipal entities – started to wage war—and had won part of the battle.
But not only these bigwigs tried to silence Chicago DIY music from house venues
and independent cooperative-collectives. Anti-DIY neighbors and landlords also
joined in the fight to put an end to such venues like the Bakery in Pilsen, The
Mopery and Ronny’s at Logan Square, and MTV Studios in Pilsen.
Sara also told me
that the area around the place was quite heavily gang-laden—The Satan Disciples
were the main gang and probably the Latin Kings or Two-Sixers were also there,
but Sara said that the gangs did not look out at Mortville to create fear, or
do a “tumba” (stick-up), or worse, shoot down dead as many DIY fans or bands
they did not like at all if they perceived any of them as rival gangbangers..
The bangers, she said, “mainly left us alone.” But Meg and Sara were not going
to do a police-state type of security for this place—that would turn off a lot
of DIY fans. No metal detectors, no frisking, no bag checks for weapons, and no
impersonal security guards with tasers either—even though these two ladies
still had to be on the lookout for jerks who could cause trouble in that place.
But that is all that I can say for now. Marijuana was welcome in that
place—that was a thing that made me be just a little bit concerned.
its two curators—were known for setting off some of the most outrageous and
most wacky shows and happenings at the place. It is something that people who
love the Burning Man events blush, but not too much……some exciting moments:
1. The place held Garbage
World for the first time on November 15, 2009 (just a little over 1 year
before Mopery had to close its doors with its last show on August 28, 2010),
with the help of its creator who used to live in Chicago, Eileen Lillian Doyle,
who was coined Gertie Garbage. It was a weekend featuring a calvacade of
performance artists, spoken word artists, and interdisciplinary performers
performing avant-garde, experimental, or anarchist-driven presentations. 3
other Garbage World events were held
there on February 20 and June 25—both of them in 2010, and another one on
November 18, also in 2010. The June 25 show I saw featured one of the
near-headliners, multidisciplinary artist now known as Here Heather Marie (or
“Here”), doing some type of experimental spoken word to a crowd of about
100-120 people on a summer Friday night.
2. When Chicago had its corporate entities embracing the
Pitchfork Music Festival around 2010 and 2011, the Mortville founders, through
the help of two unsung founders of a large DIY music festival that actually
started in 2009---solo act artist, Rotten Milk and the members the jamband,
Rotten Milk, realized that the event can be held at the 2106 address. From
these two bands, Meg and Sara realized that the rules at the Pitchfork music
event were too strict for them to do things like smoke marijuana or sell their
own DIY merchandise—both actions that can get you ejected from Pitchfork. So
with a hunch of me seeing Mortville a fair deal in its wide variety of shows,
Meg and Sara, with the help of radical graphic artist, Rand Sevillla (who
promoted two of these events through extremely bizarre promo videos of the
festival), to make an anarchist-driven apathy to the traditional Pitchfork
festival—at Mortville. There were thoughts about a pig with its ugly “oink”
sound, a dirty pig-pen, and mud for some type of logo regarding an
ultra-anarchist, ultra-crazy, ultra-wacky, ultra-outrageous music festival in
reaction to the regular Pitchfork festival, and they got it—and it was the Bitchpork Festival.
So with that,
I researched a website (which still exists), called Pigeons and Planes, and
found out that Mortville held two Bitchpork festivals—namely Bitchpork 3 and
Bitchpork no. 4.
According to
Daniel Margolis, who wrote an article about the history of Bitchpork,
Mortville’s Bitchpork no. 3 started really well on July 17 to July 19, 2009,
when Lightning Bolt on July 17th bolted out its very heavy, very loud at-you
ritual drumming to satisfy the very hungry crowd who came out of the Pitchfork
festival to get what they wanted—and they got it in return. Sara and Meg loved
it, I guessed it, from that first Bitchpork they curated in Mortville.
The calvacade
of DIY bands that appeared in Bitchpork 4 on July 15 to July 17th of
2011 (the second Bitchfork that Meg and Sara curated) ranged from the
ultra-radical, screaming-at-you, noise-driven, crowd-intruding bands and
projects (for instance, Forced into Feminity), all the way to DIY-driven modern
EDM-driven jamrock projects like Chandeliers---and Mahjohgg, another jamband
featuring the EDM wizardry of Hunter Husar (who made his stints mainly at the
Bridgeport areas of Chicago; Mahjohgg is now defunct), who rocked the place on
July 16th with a sort of Sound-Tribe-Sector-9 type of atmosphere
with spectacular green-colored moving lights, and hard-hitting, coming-at-you,
disco-driven drumbeats, permeating the
venue to attempt to make the whole place musically utopian. Specifically,
according to Margolis, when the radical Bad Drugs, a radical punk band, played
on Mortville’s roof outside, the crowd went as wild as what happened when the
disco record blow-up on July 12, 1979 at Sox Park caused a near-riot. Then
regrettably—you guessed it—Daniel stated that the 5-0 came in to almost bust
the Bitchpork party, and the band was told not to play anymore on the roof on
that Friday the 17th night, or
that rest of the whole night will be busted. So the band decided to play
inside on a very hot day and the fans had to deal with that—either that or they
had to go home—as well as the band.
In total, over 100
of Chicago’s DIY bands from a wide area of musical styles—from power-punk—to
prog rock—to noise project—to experimental glam—embraced that rumpus-driven
fest which was Bitchpork 3 and Bitchpork 4, and it was great especially for Meg
and Sara!
In the
1970s, the word “bitch” –said out or
written out, would have been edited or censored, but now, I am free to say it
without limitation. Sorry, Super Bowl
wardrobe malfunction!!!
3. May 13, 2011—was the memorable Mortville concert
featuring a sort of shoegaze-driven post-rock ensemble (actually a drone-pop
band) of 11 people which had a long title—Call
Me On the Allphone/Names Divine, but they called it Names Divine for short.
It was run by singer and droner Kendra Calhoun, and Jillian Musielak, a radical
designer, on tom-tom drums. It actually featured 11 musician-members at its
peak around 2010-2011, and some of its alumni included performance artist
Right-Eyed Rita. When I saw Names Divine at Mortville, I started to like
Jillian’s drumming, but Kendra’s wails were also enticing to me, because at
2011, I was starting to adore avant-garde and experimental music—not just
traditional classical music, and that is another reason why I loved to go to
Mortville. And a bonus—I was on the bill
on that May 13 performing as DIY music project Mr. Forefinger, so this gave me
a bit of a boost for me increasing my fanbase when I started that DIY music
project at Cal’s Bar in 2010. (This bar is now permanently closed down.)
4.. On August 26, 2011, with the success of holding Bitchpork
3 and Bitchpork 4 fests, Sara and Meg hosted The Ultimate Badass Band Contest. With DIY musician Davitt Terrell
as the curator of sorts, there were several judges which included Li’l Princess
(who was the stage name for Meg at that time), Rotten Milk, Ray Ellingsen (a
extremely strong Chicago DIY music superfan, who died in the fall of 2014), and
a man only identified as Paul. When I saw the event at least once, the rules
were simple: laptops and droning were prohibited, and you have to do your set
for no more than 5 minutes. The contestant musicians were on either of the
three stages, and the atmosphere for this wacky contest is that performers
needed to prepare to get things thrown upon—like bits of paper all the way to
probably something as wacky as stink bombs---to express disapproval. The
contest was a cross between The Gong Show
and Showtime at the Apollo, and the
winner of this bizarre concourse would win an earning of being crowned The
Ultimate Badass with a yellow crown with a tall spire of purple and white.
you think Mortville would last forever? Sadly, according to Jessica Hopper’s
and Leor Galil’s article in The Reader,
dated June 27, 2012, called “Gossip Wolf—Burying Treasure Town”, carcass-cleaning
property sellers, taking advantage of the precipitous drop in property values
in the 2009 recession, started to target loft venues a few years after the recession—and
even though Mortville was not forced to permanently shut down by the police
even though the place did have dates with the cops in the past—these aggressive
sellers honed in on Mortville, and the landlord (who remains unnamed) told Sara
and Meg somewhere on June 2012—IT’S TIME TO GO! I did not know how these two
ladies felt directly – but directly myself, I was extremely hurt that Mortville
had to go—but I was also glad that I will not have to worry about going into a
sort of dangerous place in Chicago which made this DIY venue its home. Treasure
Town had to leave also with Mortville, and its last show there was on June 29,
2012, when I saw Vimeo footage of a band that I did not know that featured Ben
Billington the drummer—but I found out that the band was a cover band called
Naked Island. (Don’t find that band anywhere today on the WWW—it broke up after
a short while.) But I did not see it
because it was so sad for me to go to see the last show. Meanwhile, Casa Donde—the
lowest strata in the Mortville collective, also had to go too, and right now,
the ReverbNation website for Casa Donde—literally dead-on-arrival, no more
shows. The Oh My Rockness website for Treasure Town – also gone. No more shows
there either. So sad, and so painful for me as a DIY music lover—AND performer!!!
Even worse, Mayor Rahm Emanuel sealed the
deathblow on the Mortville/Treasure Town/Casa Donde collective---with new
ordinances that were backlashes to the struck-down 2008 Chicago Promoters’
Ordinance that would have destroyed almost anything DIY in Chicago anywhere if
that decree was passed, and even worse, the G8 summit was going to happen in Chicago
in August 2012, and that meant an extremely high-profile Department of Homeland
Security event. With that, pre-G8 raids on some Chicago DIY venues including
the Mortville collective happened—practically any venue that had even a hint of being flagged as an anarchist
site was marked for being targeted, and Mortville was very highly—and very
The loft building
that made up the famous DIY venue collective that made up the first Mortville
is now off the market so regrettably, Meg and Sara—the primary founders—are not
allowed for a long time to go back to that building for any renaissance of its
wild and willy actions that made Mortville “Mortville” for at least several
But I can tell
you a bit of what happened after Mortville came to an end—its founders, and a
few of its regulars….
Jillian Musielak,
one of the Call Me On The Allphone alumna who embraced Mortville, went on to do some DIY music work under the
name Sick Cakez, with several stints around the Pilsen area, and in one
nondescript event, she almost teamed up with a radical Butoh artist, Rose
Hernandez. She was also a fan of the defunct house venue, MTV Studios in west
Pilsen, which was run by Joseph Blanski.
Meg McCarville,
one of the Mortville co-founders, went on to be a quick fan of the Bijou
theater in Chicago and she invited me to do a collaborative performance with me
before Bijou closed down a few years prior. My hunch is that the worsening
crackdowns on Chicago’s DIY world—the crackdowns that eventually did in the
first Mortville--made her want to leave Chi-town, and she did, and she moved to
New Orleans, living in a ultra-radical trailer home where she can freely
express Mortville-related attitudes without even a bit of restraint.
Kendra Calhoun,
another Call Me On The Allphone alumna who performed at Mortville, moved out of
Chicago and currently released her new solo album, “Crazy For You” in 2015,
which was a compilation of her original numbers.
Sara Heymann, the
other founder of Mortville, had a deep passion for art and painting afterwards
(since her joys of being with the defunct Land Line DIY newspaper), and created
a house venue just south of Douglas Park called a second Mortville, but for
obvious reasons, I am unable to tell you exactly where due to the Trump frenzy.
I can tell you that a few years prior, Sara coined a new venue that lasted a
few more years around 2015 to 2016, called “The Egg”, in a garage or in the
backyard, or even in a slightly bigger loft behind the house. Performance
artists and even some punk bands embraced the place, especially on summer days
and nights. I was there for almost half of the approximately 50 or more events.
Regrettably, Sara had to close down “The Egg” in late 2016 not because of the
fears that the place may not have had a PPA permit or fears of cops busting
down the place, but because she wants to focus full time passion of being a
visual artist.
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