Thursday, March 10, 2022

Sex Offender Registrants Part 1 – The New Class of Extremely-Hated People In American Society

 They are known in the United States as the most-hated people in the country. They are perceived as something like being labeled as something similar to serial killers, or heinous murderers.

Some of these people are classified as so extremely contemptible that they are sometimes on a hit list for a gang beating or even an assassination.  

Yep – you are right – if you say these so-unwanted people are registered sex offenders – especially those registrants who will be facing the most severe collateral consequences after they serve time in prison for sex crimes ranging from simple indecent exposure all the way to the most heinous—including--of course, child pornography and child rape.

In 2011, reporter Lisa Ling, who did a documentary called “State of Sex Offenders”, mentioned that there were over 700,000 sex offender registrants in the United States. But with much tougher restrictions going on in 2022 or so, thanks to the Me Too movement—the movement that snagged people like Jared Fogle, Jerry Harris, and Austin Jones (celebrities who plead guilty of or prosecuted on charges of child pornography), who will definitely join the bunch of 700,000-plus registrants in at least several years---I am guessing right now that the total of sex offenders in the United States might reach to approximately 1,000,000 people or a bit more. Only a guess.

I do know that Jeffery Epstein almost got on such a hit list while he was in prison as a sex offender, and his only exit out of being hit by those who hate him was for him to kill himself in jail—and he did—kill himself! Jared Fogle was also attacked by a prisoner while he was serving incarceration time for crimes related to online child solicitation/child pornography, as well.

Epstein killed himself because I had a hunch that he would face extreme restrictions as a sex offender registrant if he were to be out of prison and still alive.

These newly-turned group of most-loathed people exists a lot, especially in Texas, and most importantly, in Florida; these are people I need to stay away from. If I even dare to try to enter their enclaves, one of them – or a group of them – could jump on me, or beat me down and kick me on the ground, then, they restrain me, beat me some more, and even worse – grope or rape me – and leave me lying alone in a pulp half-dead or even dead. And I feel so, so violated and so hurt that I feel like I do not want to live any more.

Yes, very keenly, these people need to be afraid. I am actually living in the south side of Chicago, and after looking up a personal search engine called BeenVerified, I realized that my heart raced quite high when I found out that there was a registered sex offender living about 4 or 5 blocks where I am staying!!!

I will not mention the exact name of the registrant who lives by me, because if I do, not only he will mark me for death – but I could be marked for death by simply helping him.  Moreover, thanks to those anti-pedophilia laws such as Megan’s Law, and the biggest – the Sex Offender Registry Notification Act (or SORNA), because this group of people are basically treated like lepers—perpetually and relentlessly disowned, rejected, and very highly unneeded.

Yes, restraints, rules, restrictions, and stipulations are needed to keep these people from re-offending, but in my opinion, the current sex offender registry mandates, laws, and crackdowns are sometimes way too repressive—sometimes so repressive that it causes even would-be-compliant sex offenders to inadvertently run afoul of the strict rules, which can mean a revocation of their probations or parole, causing them to end up re-slammed back into prison.  

For those sex offender registrants who got out of the toughest prisons to serve their mandated registration requirements for 10 years to up to a lifetime, such as the Menard Correctional Center in Illinois, if they go back to prison for violating the registry requirements, I am guessing that they would probably be “super-maxxed” even if they have no violent criminal history. I have a hunch that there is a reason for such severe incarceration treatment for them – because whether these people are “chomos” (child molesters, which is a slang word used in prison) or not—whenever you are a sex offender registrant, you are treated as a “chomo” by association or assumption, whether you are a child molester or not, and whether if you are prison or not – when you are “registrant red-flagged”, you face a lot worse.

Lisa Ling was right about this – saying that these people “are treated like animals.”

So suppose you are in their shoes---you end up as a sex offender registrant. What can happen to you?

As mentioned, they are the most vile of people—so extremely vile that they are treated like feces or urine—construed as extremely unaesthetic and unworthy of even being rehabilitated. That is why if you are that registrant, be prepared to be kicked out of even your own apartment or home. They are now the new group of homeless people now, along with those who failed to pay their mortgage or rent and are evicted or foreclosed from their properties. Most landlords and house owners (including realtors and family members) simply do not want sex offender registrants being there, so these people are forced to live on the streets, in swamps, under bridges—or even into the desolate woods making their home while facing the tough challenges of no running water, electricity, heat, air conditioning or sewer service. They also face their toughest challenge of following the strict “forbidden zone” requirements (“child safety zones” in particular; zones where you can find large congregations of kids), where they cannot stay, or move into, or assemble. Even worse, the Meghan Book law doubles some of the distance requirements of these no-go zones (so for example, a 1,000-foot safety zone between a registrant and a K-8 school or a beach can be instead 2,000 feet!!!).

It is even worse if you had already lived in a parent’s house with children and served prison time already on a registrable sex crime and you get out. You realize a new restriction especially if the children did not reach statutory age at your former house – it is against the law to live at that house, and you face a curfew from usually 10pm to daybreak (usually at 6am), and curfew requirements depend on the state and the specific terms of probation or parole. (That is, if you stay at that house during curfew time, that’s a violation of the sex offender registrant rules, and you get re-slammed into jail.) If that house is within a certain amount of feet of a child safety zone, you have to live somewhere else. Again, if the children had turned into adults in what was your parents’ home after you got out of prison, there is a slight chance you will be allowed to live at that house,  but because sex offender registrants are just so, so profoundly unwanted, just simply don’t count on even staying there even if not bound by the laws. Why? Your neighbors – and your existing parents - may not ever want you in that house nevertheless because they will likely find out that you are publicized as a sex offender. And then—game over for you! And you have to live somewhere else!

You go on the Internet, and you see all of your Facebook friends, and your followers on Twitter and Instagram—suddenly disappear.  Well, sorry—your  friends and contacts on social media found out that you are a registrant and, in very fast time, suddenly disowned you! After you log out of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you try to log in later into these platforms, and you find out that YOU ARE BANNED ON ALL THREE PLATFORMS—FOREVER!!! Even worse, the 3 social media companies keep quiet on why you were banned—but you have a hunch that you were banned because too many of your friends reported to these companies that you are a sex offender registrant.

Then, finding out that you cannot use Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram any more, you try to do a mass email to your friends and family that “cancel-cultured” you because you are a registrant red-flag, trying to promote a new email list of contacts from scratch. Then, after you send a BCC (blind carbon copy) of 20 recipients, you open up Gmail and you realize that you got a message from the ESP (email service provider) – which is Google Mail – that your email IP address was blacklisted because you were trying to contravene the social media bans through email, in a guise that you were probably trying to cyberstalk them. This means no more Gmail indefinitely.

Then, you try to set up a different email service provider to get the contacts back—for instance, Yahoo! email, and then, unfortunately, you have no hope—you got another message that ymail (or Yahoo! mail) also blacklisted your IP address. So that means you cannot use your Yahoo! email anymore.

Then, you try to do email other companies, and then they also blacklist you. So that means you give up on trying to do email anymore, and now realize that you cannot do either email or social media at all. All that is left for you is you are going to have to be alone and deal with it indefinitely. This will hurt your family and your relationships—intimate and non-intimate.

Now suppose you stay home alone or on the first day of being a registrant. Then, after you register by law to the police and report your whereabouts as required, you are watching TV in your home, and then you see a car stopping at your house, and a gangbanger comes out and throws a large stone at your front window, breaking it as the stone lands in the carpet of your living room, and then the car speeds off. Then, as you pick up the thrown stone, the stone says, “YOU WILL END UP IN THE GRAVE, YOU DAMN SEX OFFENDER!” You drop the stone and you try to call 911 to report to the police about the vandalism, and as you try to call, you witness the front door crash and you see a tall man with a .38 gun coming at you, and you put your hands up. He then says to you, “Are you a sex offender? DON’T LIE TO ME OR YOU’RE DEAD!” You respond with a quiet, yet nervous “yes, yes.” Then the man says, “Lucky you told the truth, you are a sex offender”, and then he pistol-whips you on the temple, causing you to be down on the ground, and then he pepper-gasses you, and says, “I’m watching you because we hate such perps around! I suggest you stay home for the rest of your life, or I’ll kill you!” He then leaves, but not until you recover from 30 minutes of being gassed, feeling throat constriction and severe eye burning.

That’s enough of what can happen to you if you end up as a sex offender registrant and end up on “the list”. Now in the next article, I will give you some ways and tips on how you can avoid being on that dreaded list.