Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Favorite Six Movie Quotes from Hollywood Movies and How Each of Them Can Relate To My Life


"Do it if you're lucky....[or] would'ya punk?", said by Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry,
reminds me of the idiom called Hobson's choice. The quote is not just related to the bad guy who gets terrified seeing the barrel of Dirty Harry's .44 magnum gun. It also reminds people that in life, you make choices that can hurt you or help you. And some choices are not easy to make. For instance, during a period of high inflation, you have a choice of either paying the gas bill or paying the health insurance premium. Another instance is when a recession occurs, and you have the tough choice of trying to find a job in your home country--or go overseas.


My first favorite movie quote is "I'm gettin' too old for this", said by Danny Glover in most of the Lethal Weapon movies, is a little bit scary to me as I go into what I call the midlife. Of course, I hear things like "midlife crisis" so much  that it seems like that phrase is less important. Moreover, the way Danny Glover said this quote makes one go through another Ash Wednesday, which in religion depicts that the human flesh will eventually go to futility.

My second favorite movie quote is "This is my jail! And I'm the law! That is why I get to violate your constitutional rights!" said by Ed Lauter in Death Wish III, is a powerful quote. This reminds me about the Rodney King beating by Los Angeles police officers and the riots that followed in South central Los Angeles when the officers were exonerated from the beating charges in a criminal court. It also reminds me of the Patriot Act, that was meant to take away civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism, and also smacks of McCarthyism in the 1950s.

My third favorite movie quote is "Well, I wouldn't talk to professionals about it,", said by Vanessa Williams in the movie Dance With Me, reminds me about people keeping secrets. Some secrets, of course, are needed to protect national security. That is why most of the CIA agents in the United States do their work almost always incognito. Other secrets are necessary to prevent gossip that can turn an innocent-looking blunder into a major disaster. Still other secrets are necessary to keep relationships from falling apart, so, for instance, married men who fall in love with an additional woman will try anything to avoid being caught as a cheater.

My fourth favorite movie quote is "Chief of the boat.....Captain Ramsey's under arrest! Take him to his state room!" This was said by Denzel Washington in the movie Crimson Tide. All of this reminds me of house arrest, which I hear about these days as an alternative to prison. House arrest is supposed to relieve the strain on America's prison population, but even this is not enough to relieve prison overcrowding.

My fifth favorite movie quote is "I say, you do, no questions!", said by Pat "Noriyuki" Morita from the first of the Karate Kid movies. All of this reminds me of slavery. Not just antebellum slavery that a lot of Americans know about through history classes. There is also a new type of slavery I hear often--sex slavery that mainly involve young girls. It also reminds me of the Mildred Experiment, where one authority threatens you with electric shocks on your wrist if you don't correctly answer an analogy question...even though the shocks are just pretend.

My sixth favorite quote is "The gentleman will suspend", said by Al Gore in the movie
Fahrenheit 9-11. In context, the quote is an allusion to fighting for whatever you want in life....even when the odds are astronomical. But even more than that...the quote also reminds all people that losing big opportunities can cause bad events that can last for months or even years.

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