Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Decapitation of James Foley: What Can We Do Next in Regards to Iraq?

The best way to deal with this shocking death of Mr. Foley is for President Obama to back down on any further bombing action against ISIS militants in Iraq indefinitely. This is probably the only way that we can save face from this pretty awful news of the beheading of James Foley now, because I found out that ISIS captured another American and threatened to decapitate that American unless America stops bombing operations against ISIS militants.

I myself did not want to see the decapitation video myself because it was too scary. Youtube took that execution video down very quickly. Too scary for virtually anyone to see.

Most news companies regard the execution as extremely graphic and hence won't show it.

I did see something similar to the taken-down video in the movie "Fahrenheit 9-11", directed by Michael Moore, where in the middle of the movie, there is a scene where a condemned man is fatally butchered by a beheading in public in the town of Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia. The one executed was not James Foley, but a Saudi. But I was imagining being in James Foley shoes as I saw the executioner in the movie raise his long sword high over the victim's head, and then slash through the victim's head twice--the second attempt successfully slicing his head off. The results would not be pleasing for me. Nothing funny at all about it!!!

But what can we do? What can we do about what happened to James Foley?

It is so hard for me to figure out what would happen in this new Iraq that we are hearing about.

Before the first Iraq invasion, I thought things would be hunky-dory when Saddam Hussein was in power in Iraq. Then we hear about what he did to the Kurds in Iraq, and then, about 1992, the First Gulf War came. The war was successful and I thought everything in Iraq would be better again.

Then, in 2001, the 9-11 attacks happened to our country! President Bush orders another Second Gulf War because there were educated guesses that Al-Qaeda--the ruthless terrorist group led by Osama Bin Laden--may have been behind the attacks and probably such terrorists may have been in Iraq. Saddam was captured, convicted, and hanged after the war but America's eyes was on Public Enemy no. 1--Osama bin Laden.

Then, as the war ended, the price we paid was very heavy even after the official war was over. Iraqi insurgents got very mad and decided to do guerilla warfare on us!! The tricks were scary and this definitely smacks to what the Vietnam War was with guerilla warfare. Mechanical bobby traps and land mines were the guerrilla tactics in the Vietnam War--but in post-war Iraq, it is modernized through a new type of land mine---roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices. So with these scare tactics, America finally pulled its troops out of Iraq recently. But before the American troops were pulling out of Iraq, America got its most ruthless terrorist--Bin Laden--in a commando raid in his home in Pakistan by special forces--and then the special forces killed Bin Laden. I was thinking to myself, "Why did the special forces decide to not capture him, but kill him?" Well, that question is likely going to be unanswered for a very long time, because the exact names of the special forces soldiers in that mission to kill Bin Laden still generally remain top-secret.

Then, for reasons I still do not know about, a new terrorist group called ISIS made its presence in Iraq. Their tactics are almost like the Taliban--but because of the James Foley beheading, most likely they are a bit worse than the Taliban. All of the "shariat" laws that educated Islam people know are completely thrown out, and humanity is dropped to the lowest abyss, causing things like hostage-taking and post-kidnapping beheadings.

With that, James Foley will be missed, surely. There needs to be profound amends for this senseless execution, but retaliatory military action is not the answer at this time.

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