Monday, November 16, 2009

My Comments and Scores in Dancing With The Stars--Season 9--Semifinals

Semifinals for Dancing With The Stars--Season 9 (2009)

My Comments and My Scores and Judges' Scores

Here, I give comments as soon as I finish seeing the dancers dance their heats on TV, just like the judges make them. And then, I give the overall score to the couple before the judges' scores are announced. That's what I do.....So, since I am "The Little Lily of Dancing", a dance lover, and a dancer myself who adores (yea, "loves") dancing so much, as Kool and the Gang would say..."Get Down On It!"

Donny Osmand and Kym Johnson

In some of the promenade sequences, Donny's footwork was sometimes not in sync. Sometimes, in the close promenade position moves, Donny's face and top line is not too much strong and sometimes lacking in posture. Some of his other walking and rocking footwork was fairly poor in synchronization even though there was some good tango content. Considerable introvert feelings from Donny were, sadly, the norm for most of his routine.

My score: 6.
The judges' scores: 7, 7. 7

Donny's solo part in the samba was good. The leg drop was great. Good samba content for most of the routine. Well, the promenade runs were good. The runaround move was does the drunken circular volta move that you don't usually see in International samba (it is called the Argentine Cross). Even more....Donny's leads in the Rolling of the Arms and the Botafogo with Hand Change were good but I had seen that the footwork was a little bit lacking...he sometimes lets Kym do all of the dancing and not him. I was expecting more body rolling actions like the Reverse Roll from Donny but I did not really see it.

My score: 8
Judges' scores: 8, 9, 9.


His twists were good...his shimmies and his good clean fun as a showman were good. He even took a dare of going into his own man's aerial with Kym's a much shorter routine.

My score: 8
Judges' scores: 9, 9, 9.

Joanna Krupa and Derek Hough

Well, her arm styling was very good and her top line was very, very good. Her running fleckerl turns were right on. The only problem was the opening without the Viennese waltz content. The choreography at that point was a little bit too freestyle. Nevertheless, Brooke Burke's advice really helped her a lot. Good job. Especially when she was released from hold into what I called a Side-by-Side Lunge Point Pose (common in advanced American Viennese Waltz)...her arms were great!

My score: 8.
The judges' scores: 9, 9, 9.

Great hip action from Joanna especially when Derek led her in the 2-hand Open Facing holds. Good swivel actions and slip pivot actions and hip twists (especially the "continuous hip twist") by Joanna....and also...great position in the bending dips and the drops by Joanna too. Great job, Joanna. Looks like her past ballet training really, really helped her so much!

With that, she may become the next "Brooke Burke" if she gets to the finals!!

My score: 9
The judges' scores: 9, 9, 9 (the same as I!)

Cross-body lead turns were great and right on the beat (looks like she was thinking about the "on 1" salsa timing), as well as the spins and turns. Good hip twists and shimmies and swivels. Good drop at the end even though Derek almost messed up the drop.

My score: 9
The judges' scores: 9, 9, 9.

Kelly Osborne and Louis van Amstel

Kelly was very good. The last move...a cantilever stretch, was great even though there was a slight stumble. Great extrovert feeling for the character of the dance. She had a good fan kick and ronde. Her fold pose (I would call this a "Folding Leg Lift") and fold stretch was good in the middle of the routine. Opening out movements were very good. Well, I can agree to Bruno that hip action should stand out more....I need to see more of it.

My score: 7
The judges' scores: 8, 8, 8.

Very good Kelly! Her feet were floating on air on all of those polka chasses and scatter hops and charleston flicks and running chasses. One specific jump in the charleston variation...called the cross-hammer jump drop...was right on! Great! Even to a non-quickstep rock song like "99 Luftballoons" by suits her so much because she grew up with rock music thanks to Ozzy. They say, "O, Nellie"...but I should say, "Oh, Kelly!!"

Well, the only problem was Louis's final drop that almost caused Kelly disaster...Kelly almost fell to the floor on that drop (I guess it was a death drop).

My score: 9.
The judges' scores: 9, 9, 9.

Pretty good cha-cha by her. There were some misses in the cha-cha because she was a little bit too introvert when she exploded into those "New Yorkers", but the rest of the choreography seems to be right on for the rest of the routine. The song "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" fit her since she was allowed to choose the song as well as the knockout dance.

My score: 8.
My judges' scores: 9, 9, 9.

Mya and Dimitri Chaplin

Slight failure in choreography in the end...more of a freestyle ending that was too much. Arms by Mya were very good in styling. A little too raunchy in the end. But the good news despite of that is that she was right on in most of the dancing. I loved so much the one-legged standing spin by Mya in attitude leg in the middle of the fact, this was the best part of the dance.

My score: 8.
The judges's scores: 9, 9, 10.

Well, Mya is the "isla bonita". The song "Isla Bonita" mambo style...fits Mya so greatly!

Mya is a dancing diva in the salsa with Dimitri! Great turns, great spins, great rondes, great shimmy shakings and hip actions. Dimitri's sombuka wrap variation (the "continuous sombuka") was spectacular.

My score: 10.
The judges's scores: 10, 10, 10

Mya's hip action in the chasses were right on. Great Latin movement overall by Mya. Could have seen more if the cha-cha was for an extra 40 seconds in the heat. The split drop by Mya at the end was great.

My score: 9.
The judges' scores: 9, 10, 10.

Well, how do I feel about all of this dancing I have seen....GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking Back--U.S. Involvement in the Second Gulf War in 2003

This is a journal of mine that focuses of my reactions to the first day the U.S. got involved in the Second Gulf War...

What a disgrace! As soon as I saw the first live TV
pictures last night--hearing and seeing the
crackle' of Iraqi AAA fire and detonating 'bangs' from

U.S. cruise missiles and bombs across the hazy
predawn sky in Baghdad, I was stunned, partially
because I thought Saddam Hussein would obey
the final ultimatum brought by President Bush. It
tells Saddam: Leave Iraq or face war. He did not
leave Iraq and I even speculate that Eli Pariser
(I actually saw him on the TV news 2 days before
the war, on NBC news), the famous leader of the
anti-war group known as, is shocked that
the U.S. had chosen the wrong choice--war--instead
of letting Saddam leave the country.

I am a Chicago native and I am pretty nervous. And you
probably know why. WAR HAS ALREADY HAPPENED!!! I have
jitters about possible retaliatory attacks on downtown
Chicago because even with the upgrading to the orange
color on the
National Terror Alert and the ratcheted-up security,
there is still free air space around downtown Chicago.
Mayor Richard Daley is presently trying to tell the
FAA to limit air space in that area.
I do not live in downtown Chicago, but memories of
the September 11 attacks still haunt me a little bit.

No-fly zones had already been established around
downtown New York and Washington D.C. and Disneyland
parks in California and Florida about 4 days just
before the first bombs and
missiles hit Baghdad yesterday and today.

It is a deep disgrace for all of those anti-war
protesters. They did everything they could to stop
war in Iraq by marches and blockades and die-ins and
sit-ins and human chains and human shields and other
'direct actions' not just in the United States--not
just around the
University of Illinois campus--but around the world--
Europe especially. Now that the war has happened,
the only light at the end of the tunnel is that we
all 'delayed war' by about 4 or 6 months. That is the
good thing we should be proud of. All was not lost in
the struggle to keep Bush from choosing military

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Dream Experimental Jazz Ensemble Revealed!!!

Let me tell you that I am ready to make a proposal for my dream experimental jazz ensemble in Chicago.

My encounters through my original performance art dances with such Chicago experimental jazz ensembles and indie band ensembles like the Tomorrow Music Orchestra, Pedway, Whitewolf and Sonic Princess, the Telepaths, and the Hathaways are making me so inspired that I

The name of the ensemble I am thinking of is going to be called.......

LINDEN JOY!!!!!!!!

This is inspired by my alter ego, Lamar Jacobsen Linden, that I used in my performance art dancing since 2001.

This ensemble will feature my good musical friends who are, I believe, great creative musicians and emerging improvisers that I had ever seen in this city...

The tentative lineup for Linden Joy will likely be......

Matthew Golombisky, bassist
Cale Piepenburg, flutist, assistant performance artist
Quin Kirchner, drums
Caroline Davis, saxophone
Bill MacKay, guitarist
James Moeller, guitarist
Carla Hayden, tambourine/assistant spoken word artist
Carlos Pecciotto, percussion (you know him from the Environmental Encroachment
Circus Punk Marching Band)
CHARLES JOSEPH SMITH, bandleader and performance artist/spoken word artist

Other added guests in my experimental ensemble will likely include more of my good musically creative friends....

Paul Velat, spoken word artist/experimental singing artist
Rosie Velat, backup vocals
Amanda Crumley, additional vocals
Maestro Phil, percussion
Huntress Diana, bass guitarist

What will make this band rather unique from other experimental bands and ensembles is that I will use my performance art dancing to lead the band.

Inspired by the spoken word artistry of Leslie Beukelman, who currently sings for Information Superhighway I am also going to use my experimental spoken word also to lead this ensemble.

Graphic notation will likely be used to make things easier. The style will be almost like Chicago's Lighthouse Orchestra, but not exactly..

The ensemble I am dreaming of was inspired by the Tomorrow Music Orchestra, where Matthew Golombisky acted as bassist and bandleader.....My memorable thing was dancing with the TMO at the 2008 Around The Coyote Festival.

This proposal was inspired by my performance art dancing I did for 6 years. I love the drums so much because this is my elixir. Frank Rosaly, one of the famous emerging creative drummers in Chicago, strongly inspires me. So does another drummer...Kalyan Pathak, an Roosevelt University alum (I was also an alum of that school too).

First gig I am planning for this "dream band" would be the Hideout because I love it so much. I am going to announce the gig like what happened when the Hideout was a sellout when "Little Shop of Horrors" happened this Halloween 2009.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Making Up My Questions/Answers for My 2002 Doctoral Dissertation

Here are the questions (and my own answers) that I made on my own for my successful defending of my doctoral dissertation lecture-recital script involving the operatic piano transcriptions of Franz Liszt at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign while I was a graduate piano performance major. These questions were taken from my notes in 2002...

Thesis Defense--Study Questions Part I

On Liszt

1. How many oratorios did Liszt compose? If yes, which ones?

2. In 1802, which Liszt daughter died (at the age of 26)?

3. Les Morts, an orchestral work composed in 1859, was inspired

by what event?

4. He left Rome for the last time in what year?

5. He met Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein in February 1847 in which

Russian city?

6. Although in 1865 Liszt took the four minor orders of the Roman

Catholich church, did he ever become a priest?

7. He wrote the Hungarian Coronation Mass for the coronation of

this composer of Austria as king of Hungary. Who is he?

8. He studied composition with which Italian composer?

9. He took piano lessons with which German composer?

10. How many symphonic poems did he compose?

11. He wrote a cantat in 1845 for which festival? What was signi-

ficant about this cantata?

12. He and Marie d’Agoult were to marry in Rome (Liszt was about

50 at that time), but what happened?

13. Liszt gave his last concert in September 1847 in which Russian


14. His first daughter, Blandine, was born in Geneva in what date?

15. Describe briefly Ferdinando Paer, Liszt’s theory teacher.

16. His opera, Don Sanche, had its debut in the Paris Opera in

what year?

17. Adam Liszt, his father, died in Boulogne by which disease?

18. He heard Niccolo Paganini for the first time in what date?

19. Why was he denied admission into the Paris Conservatoire?

20. In 1839, Liszt performed as a virtuoso to raise funds for

which organization?

21. He transcribed the piano Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique in

which year?

22. To whom did Liszt dedicated the Reminiscences of Norma to?

23. How many sections did Liszt take from the origin of Mozart’s

score of the Reminiscences of Don Juan?

24. What was the first opera transcription for piano Liszt


25. What was the French solidarity slogan above the first page

of the score of Lyon for piano?

26. At one 1841 concert, Liszt and Joseph Massart was going to

play Beethoven’s Kreutzer sonata at one salon, but the fans

shouted for Liszt to play what opera transcription?

27. Did Liszt ever get married?

28. To what key does the Hummel fantasy in E-flat major end?

Other Questions

1. Who wrote the play Aline, where Schubert quotes a passage

of it in his Wandererfantasie?

2. Schumann’s C Major Fantasy had a quote at the end of its first

movement from what Lied?

3. Who wrote the Variations on a theme by Handel, op. 29, in

1834, for keyboard?

4. Who was the pianist on the record album Music From The Golden

Age For Keyboard?

5. Who composed the Don Pasquale fantasy, op. 67, for piano?

6. Who arranged the themes of Strauss in his Symphonic

Metamorphoses on Themes From Johann Strauss’ “Kunsterleben”?

7. The Là ci darem la mano variations by Chopin were featured in
a concert in Vienna, on August 11, 1829, in what theater?
8. Who said this quote:
The prestige of Italian opera was often assayed during the late [18th] and early
[19th] centuries, by propone
nts of comic opera and other natural styles but its
pre-eminent position as
a standard of musical taste was a little disturbed.

Thesis Defense--Study Answers Part I

On Liszt

1.Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth (1857-62) and Christus



3.The death of Liszt's son, Daniel.




7.Emperor Francis Joseph I.

8.Antonio Salieri.

9.Carl Czerny.


11.The Beethoven Festival; it was his first work for chorus and


12.The pope revoked his sanction of the PrincessÕ divorce, so the

marriage was annuled.

13.Yeltzavetgrad (now Kirovograd).

14.December 18, 1835.

15.He was the director of the Theatre-Italien in Paris and was a

composer of light operas.

16.October 17, 1825.

17.Typhoid fever.

18.March 1831.

19.He was a foreigner.

20.The Beethoven Memorial Committee.


22.Marie Pleyel.

23.3 sections.

24.Illustrations on Simon Boccanegra (Verdi).

25.Vivre en travillant ou mourir en combattant.

26.Robert le Diable



29.In G major.

On Other Questions

1. Bauerle.

2. An die ferne Geliebte.

3. Ignaz Moscheles.

4. Earl Wild.

5. Sigismond Thalberg

6. Leopold Godowsky

7. At the Karntnertoertheater.

8. Glen Dale Reuhart (The Every Development of Virtuosos Piano


Saturday, October 17, 2009

What Would I Do If I Was Picked To Host "Saturday Night Live"?

I am starting to rack up a lot of performance art dances. Much more performance art dances than even those contestants I saw lining up today at McCormick Place to audition for "America's Got Talent." 69 dances, I guess. Most of my performance art dances were with my indie bands that I truly adore...Pedway, Whitewolf and Sonic Princess, and Labrador Dali. And Missy Galore's performance art dance antics inspired me to imaging hosting this show. I was a fan of this show in the 1990s....mainly because of the live band.

Very plainly, I am going to make my own script. As a very versatile dancer, I will do a very strong flourish out from the center aisle on where the Saturday Night Live band is playing. Then as I burst out to finish my dance stage bottom center (remember all of this stagecraft lingo?).

In my monologue, I would very likely pay my homage to Sandra Bernhard by perhaps putting on my wig, and do a rather funny "dance" version of "Fever", with the band trumpeter playing out the melody. "Fever" would call for a lot of hip swings reminiscent of belly dancing, so I will try...even if I am not perfect. The end of the monologue will likely then switch to another homage of mine...Debbie Allen. Debbie Allen is very, very real in the dance world. I am going to try to imitate Debbie Allen's dance movements when the SNL band does "Gotta Be Real" (originally sung by Cheryl Lynn). Yea, that disco-soul number known for the "Da...da da....da da....DA, DA, DA" rhythm riff in the chorus.

In the skits (which will likely be a-la-Tony-Orlando-and-Dawn style of skits), I would likely act a woman in one scene, do a burlesque dance in a bar, and a do a cha-cha dance in a ballroom dance skit.

Well, suppose the musical guests on SNL are the Ting Tings. I had saw the Ting Tings at the 2007 Lollapalooza. I liked their music. I know that SNL's musical guests perform one selection, and then, after some skits and more monologues, another musical selection. I would feature myself as a guest performance art dancer as the band performs, and try to dance in the style of Beyonce, but a little crazy something from Beyonce. You probably know that Beyonce and her band was on SNL with their smash hit "Single Ladies". The most memorable part was the ending of the song when Beyonce does a pose in front of the loud drumset. But when the Tings perform, this will be different. I know the Ting Tings do indie dance-techno, so that means straight 4/4 in a style of a Euro dance groove.

In my final words before the credits roll, what would I say? I would say, "Thank you all, good night...for me, The Little Lily of Dancing....has spoken!"

Well, this may not be my ultimate fantasy, but, as a blogger, I am doing this for me.......

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hope Out Of My Economic Recession

In the recession's long lasting rope of about 13 months, I have a glimmer of hope.

Well, with aggressive increasing of my Facebook friends, I will have a chance of getting a new job or perhaps a contact.