Friday, October 23, 2009

Making Up My Questions/Answers for My 2002 Doctoral Dissertation

Here are the questions (and my own answers) that I made on my own for my successful defending of my doctoral dissertation lecture-recital script involving the operatic piano transcriptions of Franz Liszt at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign while I was a graduate piano performance major. These questions were taken from my notes in 2002...

Thesis Defense--Study Questions Part I

On Liszt

1. How many oratorios did Liszt compose? If yes, which ones?

2. In 1802, which Liszt daughter died (at the age of 26)?

3. Les Morts, an orchestral work composed in 1859, was inspired

by what event?

4. He left Rome for the last time in what year?

5. He met Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein in February 1847 in which

Russian city?

6. Although in 1865 Liszt took the four minor orders of the Roman

Catholich church, did he ever become a priest?

7. He wrote the Hungarian Coronation Mass for the coronation of

this composer of Austria as king of Hungary. Who is he?

8. He studied composition with which Italian composer?

9. He took piano lessons with which German composer?

10. How many symphonic poems did he compose?

11. He wrote a cantat in 1845 for which festival? What was signi-

ficant about this cantata?

12. He and Marie d’Agoult were to marry in Rome (Liszt was about

50 at that time), but what happened?

13. Liszt gave his last concert in September 1847 in which Russian


14. His first daughter, Blandine, was born in Geneva in what date?

15. Describe briefly Ferdinando Paer, Liszt’s theory teacher.

16. His opera, Don Sanche, had its debut in the Paris Opera in

what year?

17. Adam Liszt, his father, died in Boulogne by which disease?

18. He heard Niccolo Paganini for the first time in what date?

19. Why was he denied admission into the Paris Conservatoire?

20. In 1839, Liszt performed as a virtuoso to raise funds for

which organization?

21. He transcribed the piano Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique in

which year?

22. To whom did Liszt dedicated the Reminiscences of Norma to?

23. How many sections did Liszt take from the origin of Mozart’s

score of the Reminiscences of Don Juan?

24. What was the first opera transcription for piano Liszt


25. What was the French solidarity slogan above the first page

of the score of Lyon for piano?

26. At one 1841 concert, Liszt and Joseph Massart was going to

play Beethoven’s Kreutzer sonata at one salon, but the fans

shouted for Liszt to play what opera transcription?

27. Did Liszt ever get married?

28. To what key does the Hummel fantasy in E-flat major end?

Other Questions

1. Who wrote the play Aline, where Schubert quotes a passage

of it in his Wandererfantasie?

2. Schumann’s C Major Fantasy had a quote at the end of its first

movement from what Lied?

3. Who wrote the Variations on a theme by Handel, op. 29, in

1834, for keyboard?

4. Who was the pianist on the record album Music From The Golden

Age For Keyboard?

5. Who composed the Don Pasquale fantasy, op. 67, for piano?

6. Who arranged the themes of Strauss in his Symphonic

Metamorphoses on Themes From Johann Strauss’ “Kunsterleben”?

7. The Là ci darem la mano variations by Chopin were featured in
a concert in Vienna, on August 11, 1829, in what theater?
8. Who said this quote:
The prestige of Italian opera was often assayed during the late [18th] and early
[19th] centuries, by propone
nts of comic opera and other natural styles but its
pre-eminent position as
a standard of musical taste was a little disturbed.

Thesis Defense--Study Answers Part I

On Liszt

1.Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth (1857-62) and Christus



3.The death of Liszt's son, Daniel.




7.Emperor Francis Joseph I.

8.Antonio Salieri.

9.Carl Czerny.


11.The Beethoven Festival; it was his first work for chorus and


12.The pope revoked his sanction of the PrincessÕ divorce, so the

marriage was annuled.

13.Yeltzavetgrad (now Kirovograd).

14.December 18, 1835.

15.He was the director of the Theatre-Italien in Paris and was a

composer of light operas.

16.October 17, 1825.

17.Typhoid fever.

18.March 1831.

19.He was a foreigner.

20.The Beethoven Memorial Committee.


22.Marie Pleyel.

23.3 sections.

24.Illustrations on Simon Boccanegra (Verdi).

25.Vivre en travillant ou mourir en combattant.

26.Robert le Diable



29.In G major.

On Other Questions

1. Bauerle.

2. An die ferne Geliebte.

3. Ignaz Moscheles.

4. Earl Wild.

5. Sigismond Thalberg

6. Leopold Godowsky

7. At the Karntnertoertheater.

8. Glen Dale Reuhart (The Every Development of Virtuosos Piano


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