Thursday, January 28, 2016

Introduction to Music Theory--15 Week Plan

Introduction to Music Theory--15 Week Plan
Note: Parts in boldface in the weeks after Week 1 (Day 1) would mean new material
is added.


Week 1--Day 1

Introduction of the class
What is theory?
The 12-tone temperment system
Consonance and dissonance
Names of the intervals (minor second, minor fifth)'
Quarter notes, whole notes,  dotted half notes and half notes

Assignment: Identify the names of the intervals on the staff, and tell also if the intervals are consonant or dissonant.
Week 1--Day 2


What is theory?
The 12-tone temperment system
Consonance and dissonance
Names of the intervals (minor second, minor fifth)
Quarter notes, whole notes,  dotted half notes and half notes
Dotted eighth notes, dotted quarter notes, triplets, and sixteenth notes
Key identification or pitch identification
         Note with number (for example, C6)
         Frequency of the note (for example, A-440)

Assignment: For given notes on the staff, write down the MIDI-note number.
Also give the note identification for each of the given notes.

Week 2--Day 1
Key identification or pitch identification
         Note with number (for example, C6)
         Frequency of the note

Scale degree identification
      Tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone,
Introduction to the major and minor triad
The Ionian major scale and the Aeolian minor scale
    Guido d'Arezzo's solfège system
         Movable Do
         Fixed Do
    Numbers system
    Letter system
Identification of rests (quarter rests, half rests, sixteenth rests, thirty-second rests)

Assignment: For a given note passage, identify the solfege syllable in the notes using
      a Fixed Do.

Week 2--Day 2

Scale degree identification
      Tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone,
Introduction to the major and minor triad
The Ionian major scale and the Aeolian minor scale
      Guido d'Arezzo's solfège system
         Movable Do
         Fixed Do
    Numbers system
    Letter system

Identification of rests (quarter rests, half rests, sixteenth rests, thirty-second rests)

Introduction to the ostinato and the passcaglia.
Introduction to simple meter (2/4, 3/4, 4/4)
Ostinato, Passacaglia
What is Counterpoint?
What is a Canon?
What is polyphony?
What is a tuplet?
What is a triplet?
"Passacaglia for Keyboard in G minor" (Handel)"
"Canon in D major for String Orchestra" (Pachelbel)"

 More identification of rests: whole rests, multimeasure rests, dotted rests

Assignment: Define the words: counterpoint, canon, polyphony, ostinato,
passacaglia, tuplet, triplet, whole rest, half rest, quarter rest, eighth rests,
dotted rest, multimeasure rest, sixteenth rest, thirty-second rest, Ionian major scale, Aeolian minor scale, movable do, fixed do, solfège.

Week 3--Day 1

Ostinato, Passacaglia
What is Counterpoint?
What is a Canon?
What is polyphony?

Introduction to simple meter (2/4, 3/4, 4/4)
Introduction to the augmented and diminished triads
Introduction to compound meter (6/8, 9/8, 12/8, 6/4, 9/4)

"Frère Jacques" (Traditional French folk song)
"Totentanz"--Canon part (Liszt)
Assignment: Do an original canon for two voices.
Also, define: augmented triad, diminished tried, simple meter, compound meter.
Week 3--Day 2

Canon form
Introduction to the augmented and diminished triads
Rondo Form
Sonata in C major, K. 545, third movement (Mozart)
Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso for Violin and Orchestra (Saint-Säens)
Assignment: Do an analysis on where the parts (A,B,C, etc.) occur in Mozart's
    Rondo in A minor, K. 511, for piano. Also, define: augmented, diminished,
   major, minor, triad, tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant,
   submediant, leading tone, canon, rondo form.

Week 4--Day 1

Rondo Form

Sonata Form
"Waldstein" Piano Sonata in C Major, op. 53, first movement (Beethoven)
"Moonlight" Piano Sonata in C-sharp minor, op. 27, no. 2 (Beethoven)

Assignment: Do a part analysis of the Symphony no. 7 in A major, first movement
 (Beethoven), figuring out where the introduction, exposition, development,
 recapitulation, and coda are.

 Week 5--Day 1
Prepare for Quiz 1
Review material covered for weeks 1-4 

Week 5--Day 2
Quiz 1
Quiz will involve dictation, analysis and also written material. 30-40 minutes per

Week 6--Day 1
Four Part Voice Leading, Part I, according to Gioseffe Zarlino
Good voice leading examples
Bad voice leading examples
Forbidden parallel motion in the voices, according to Zarlino
      Octaves, fifths, and unisons
Requirements of movement of the leading tone

Assignment: Do a four-part voice composition in 4 measures following Zarlino's

Week 6--Day 2
Four Part Voice Leading, Part I, according to Gioseffe Zarlino
Good voice leading examples
Bad voice leading examples
Forbidden parallel motion in the voices, according to Zarlino
      Octaves, fifths, and unisons

Requirements of movement of the leading tone
Four Part Voice Leading, Part II, according to Gioseffe Zarlino
Open Chords
Closed Chords
Rules of Doubling
Rules of Resolution
Assignment: The teacher will give an already-composed 4-part composition to the students, giving examples of stuff that would not be acceptable under Zarlino's rules. (for example, parallel 5ths). Those unacceptable stuff should be marked with a red circle.

Week 7--Day 1

ABA Form
Funeral March Sonata, third movement (Chopin)
Fantasie-Impromptu (Chopin)
Assignment: Do a part analysis in Chopin's "Ecossaise in D major".
Week 7--Day 2

ABA Form
Prepare for midterm exam.
Review stuff covered in the first 7 wekks.
Week  8--Day 1
Midterm Exam
Each student will have 40 minutes. Parts of the exam will include analysis, dictation,
    and performance 

Week 8--Day 2
"Bydlo" from Pictures At An Exhibition (Mussorgsky)
"Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks" from Pictures At An Exhibition (Mussorgsky)

Assignment: Do a part-analysis for the "Variation for the Prince" from The Nutcracker  Ballet (Tschaikovsky).
Week 9--Day 1

"Pathetique" Sonata in C Minor, op. 13, second movement (Beethoven)
"Symphony no. 7 in A Major, second movement (Beethoven)
Assignment: Do a part-analysis on "Lost Illusions" from  Songs Without Words
Week 9--Day 2


Variation Form
Spanish Rhapsody, beginning, skipping the introduction into the Folies d'Espagne
"Appassionata" Sonata, op. 57, second movement (Beethoven)
Assignment: Do a part analysis of the Paganini Etude no. 6 in A minor (of Franz
    Liszt), numbering each variation, and also writing down where the coda and
    introduction to the main theme are. 

Week 10--Day 1

Variation Form

"Slavonic Dance in G minor" (Dvorak)
Bulgarian Dance For One Piano, Four Hands (Bartok)

Assignment: Do an original clapping piece that uses polyrhythms.
Week 10--Day 2

Bichordal elements
"Rite of Spring" (Stravinsky)
   * Dance of the Young Girls (beginning)
    * The Ritual of Abduction
   * The Sacrifice--Introduction (beginning)
    * Sacifical Dance of the Chosen One (beginning)

Assignment: Detect and circle bichordal elements in the "Dance of the Old Ox-Driver" from the Three Argentine Dances (Ginastera).
Week 11--Day 1

Bichordal elements

Recurrent Themes
"Symphony From The New World" (Dvorak)
"Eroica Symphony in E-Flat Major, no. 3, final movement (Beethoven)

Assignment: Look at the "Dance sacrale" from The Rite of Spring (Stravinsky),
       and look at the beginning measures, and mark the measures  at the end of
       the music that have the recurring themes.

Week 11--Day 2

Recurrent Themes

 Folk  Scales
The Arabic scale
The Hungarian folk scale
"Hungarian Rhapsody no. 12 in A Minor for Piano" (Liszt)
"Toccata" (Khachaturian)
Assignment: Locate areas of the Hungarian gypsy scale in "Hungarian Rhapsody
     no. 19 in D minor" (Liszt)

Week 12--Day 1

Folk scales

How to recognize 12-tone
"Sonata no. 1", second movement (Ginastera)
Week 13--Day 1

How to recognize 12-tone 

Quartals  and Quintals
"The Sunken Cathedral" (Debussy)
"Fanfare for the Common Man" (Copland)

Assignment: Find and circle quartals and quintals in "Pagodes" (from Estampes) for Piano  (Debussy).

Week 13--Day 2

Quartals  and Quintals

Fixed Pentatonic Elements
"The Little White Donkey" (Ibert)
"The Fountains of the East Village", from "Years  of Pilgrimage" (Liszt)
Handout of Italian music terminology for students to know (for example,
"espressivo", "adagio", "legato", "staccato", "forte", "piano")

Week 14--Day 1
Review for Final Exam, Part 1
Material covered from Weeks 1-6
Week 14--Day 2
Review for Final Exam, Part 2
Material covered from Weeks 7-13
Week 15--Day 1
Final Exam
Each student will have 40 minutes.

Week 15--Day 2
Make-up final exam for those students who miss the final exam.

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