Thursday, January 28, 2016

My List of Selected Idioms

barbecue(v.)--to let something set on fire; to be exposed

to extreme heat or fire. Also: be toast(v.)

baseline(n.)--the area where the end of the horizontal, long

boundary ends and the vertical, short boundary begins

blast(n.)--a great event; an explosive sight; a successful


boogie(v.)--to dance swing-style in freedom

boogie down(v.)--to dance freestyle to dance or dance-mix music

break(n.)--a situation where an offender runs free of the

defense on the way to the other opponents' basket

bring someone to its knees--make someone pay attention

charge(n.)--a charging foul(basketball)

come clean(v.)--to free oneself from suspicion or reprehensibility

cry foul(v.)--protest that something is wrong or unfair

explode(v.)--to run hastily; to get angry suddenly

fast-paced(adj.)--hurried; quick-thinking

first-of-its-kind(n.)--brand new; original; something not seen before

follow(n.)--a back-up shot or second-effort shot that a

player attempts after a rebound(basketball)

field goal(n.)--a 2-point or 3-point shot(basketball)

general skinny(n.)--same as the word 'lowdown'

gully-washer(n.)--a heavy rainstorm; a downpour; a deluge

heads-up(adj.)--something done with a lot of attention or


heartthrob(n.)--famous star young people admire or look up to

hoopla(n.)--haranguing; pandemonium; a lively craze; cheering

household name(n.)--a very famous name

hypercoaster(n.)--a roller-coaster that is said to reach new heights

in its use of thrills

jammage(n.)--refers to the word 'jam', a pitcher's technique

of throwing a bail so fast that the batter won't have time to

hit the ball with the meat of the bat at the right time, keeping the

ball in the ball park

jam sandwich(n.)--same as the word 'jammage'

kaplooie!(n.)--another way of saying 'kaboom!'

live large(v.)--to live overweight or obese

lowdown(n.)--events or anything else happening right now

make some noise(v.)--to become famous; to start being


make waves(v.)--to start being attractive or famous


pump up(v.)--to shoot(basketball); to raise something

penetrate(v.)--to go through the defenders(basketball)

reach base(v.)--to go safely to a base by menas of a hit or a walk

run(n.)--a situation where a team is on a winning streak in

the game by shooting opportunistic baskets due to an op-

posing team's turnovers, missed shots, etc.)

run(v.)--to be ejected; to be thrown out

sacked(adj.)--referred to the bases being loaded, such as bases

sacked(baseball); also, a quarterback being tackled by a defender

way behind the former person's line of scrimmage(football)



smoker(n.)--smoke grenade

suck(v.)--a disapproving reaction to bad or horrible conditions

three(n.)--a 3-point shot(basketball)


to hit the three(v.p.)--to shoot a 3-point shot(basketball)

to play by the rules(v.)--to follow rules or regulations


upper tank(n.)--upper deck(baseball)

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